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How to do well the supermarket shelves layout design of small supermarket


The small supermarket management area is small, its design work also compares the large supermarket design less some. Small supermarket design, shelf layout design is a key point.

1. Passenger flow line
 Shelf layout directly affects the passenger flow line, should be to facilitate customers as the main principle. The width between the main passageway and the separate passageways of each block should be maintained at 3-4 meters, and between categories the width of passageways should be 2-4 meters. Small supermarkets generally do not use shopping carts, so the aisle width between the store shelves can be smaller than a large supermarket some narrow.

2.Avoid dead ends
 Dead Corner, is a cause weakness of supermarket design. To avoid dead ends, high shelves should not be used in design. There is no high shelf on the line of sight of the block, customers on the entire region of the goods at a glance. As a result, the links between the regions have become closer, bringing more convenience to customers. In addition, for the unavoidable bottom corner, you can learn from the experience of large supermarkets, set up low shelves, such as stacking, to facilitate customer search for goods. 
 How to make full use of the corner of the supermarket, especially for the small supermarket, the supermarket area is limited, so whether to make full use of the space is a problem worthy of attention. ACEALLY take these problems into consideration, our design team to create the supermarket shelving coner shelf, can be very perfect for your supermarket to use space, increase display range. At the same time, our products accept custom services, for your supermarket tailor-made supermarket shelves and other supermarket equipment.

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